Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A visit from Randy…

So today we find a need to abandon the epic hyena battle till a later time to share today’s revelation. This is a revelation that we have all heard before – yet we shake our heads senselessly when we revisit it later down the road. But instead of just putting it out there, let’s paint the picture…

This morning, AT awakes to some pain in his foot. Eager to use this to get out of chores he runs down the stairs to show it off. To our amazement; he the gross appendage quickly made us believe in Bigfoot. It was swollen to twice its size, earning him the name “club foot” for the day. Needless to say, mom was concerned and called for a doctor’s appointment; which to our amazement she was able to get. Unfortunately for mom, dad was in meetings all day so she would be venturing out on her own with a crew of 6. The horror quickly became panic as mom realized that her driver’s license had expired. Now to be honest, these things don’t sneak up on you – but it is a known fact that with each kid you lose a few brain cells – and with 6…. Well the math doesn’t work in her favor.
Anyway, what to do next. Mom calls dad, who rearranges his schedule the best he can. How accommodating that he is willing to drop mom off at the doctors between meetings and will pick her up when he is done. Not the answer mom was hoping for, but it isn’t the first time they have made things work in less than ideal situations. So off to the doctors they venture, 6 kids, a stroller, and one very large foot! As they sit there awaiting the doctor in an overly small room with an overly large brood of children a wonderful voice interrupts the imagined silence “Code red, building 2, second floor”. A curious look proceeds the quick realization that the doctor’s office is in building 2. The all-powerful OZ comes back on to say “Do not use fire exits to evacuate.” Now, mom and 6 babies are still seated in a room the size of a shoebox – becoming more and more fearful each time the mysterious voice shouts out a cryptic message. Finally the suspense is too much and mom swings open the door to be met with: “Don’t worry ma’am, it is only a fire – we will come back to get you if we need to evacuate.” All mom hears is “Go back to your shoebox and pray the fire does not consume you.” Moments later the young man returns a little more frazzled to start the evacuation. 6 kids, a stroller, and one extremely large foot making their way down the stairs. If you cannot quite picture it, imagine a 3 legged pack mule carrying a golf cart down a mountain. Not a pretty site by any means.
With the extreme hope that some strong young man would take pity and assist her, mom begins the journey downward. The pity never comes and yet the evacuation is a success. A head count commences with everyone present – including the extra-large foot which is now large enough to name – and name it we did. We will miss “Randy the clubfoot” when he is gone… Anyway the fire is now out, and everyone is allowed back in. The story progresses in a seemingly normal fashion. AT has a bad case of poison ivy… leading to an hour at the pharmacy waiting for the prescription. Mom make the much need phone call to dad – “Come save me…” which was only met by a silent hesitation. The meeting was going to run over… way over… 6 kids and Randy now impatiently await… Now anyone with kids knows that after 2 ½ hours at the doctor’s office, one kid is going to drive you crazy. Still waiting as the Doctors exit the hospital for the day… you can see the grim smirks as they all silently walk by. The phrase “better you than me” is written all over their faces. It may not have been said, but in this moment of misery it was all that could be seen. Finally – 3 ½ hours at the hospital and the chariot arrives. We wish that was the end of the adventurous day, but in a desperate hope to salvage a day of utter Chaos, we venture to Pizza Hut on the way home. Bad idea! One drink of the so called soda was all we could take! Dad promptly cancelled our order as everyone gagged on what was supposed to be a refreshing drink. It is only speculation, but we are almost certain that a skunk died in the soda machine. The taste still lingers in my mouth.  Now off we go now, well past dinner time to continue our horrific adventure. Off to the next restaurant to see what else can go wrong. Luckily, some semblance of sanity was salvaged by a pleasant dinner.  
Now back to this revelation – the lesson for today:
 God certainly does have a sense of humor and He chooses the best times to remind us! Today we were left with one of two options – wallow in our misery (which admittedly was the first approach) or thank the Lord above for all the headaches He has blessed us with – even Randy. For without Randy and the Chaos of the day, there would not have been the laughter at dinner tonight.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:2-3


1 comment:

  1. laughing hysterically at the imagine of the "3 legged pack mule"
    been there...not with 6...but can imagine!
